Wildflowers Lore

It is interesting to note that most wildflowers as a lore accompanying it and rich history. We look at some of them here. Currently though there are around 2000 that have medicinal properties.


Snakeroot is also know by other names like snakeweed serpentary root or Virginia snakeroot. It is used as snake bite antidote while American Indians used it for coughs, fever while the ancients used it as aid in child birth.

Viper’s Bugloss

Vipers bugloss also known as Thistle Blueweed and Viper Grass and its name comes from its appearance of a snake head, but in ancient times they believed snakes used these flowers and plants as hiding place.

Water Hemlock

Water hemlock looks like the Queen Anne’s lace but highly poisonous. The reason behind its name is that it grows in wetlands.


Jewelweed is also called Balsam weed, silver leaf, and eardrop and it is often used as cure for bruises and jaundice.

Indian pipe

Indian pipe has its name due to its very unusual appearance and in ancient times Indians used it to treat sore eyes and treated conditions like nervous conditions and spasms. Other names it is known as include Ghost flower and corpse plant due to its waxy bluish appearance.


Mayflower is the Massachusetts’ famous state flower with gorgeous flower and its name comes from pilgrims. After landing in Plymouth the settlers loved the glorious flower and renamed it after their ship.

Dame’s Rocket

The dame’s rocket has an interesting story behind it and it goes that it is a flower of deceit because during the night the fragrance is much stronger than during the day.


This lovely forget-me-not is probably the nicest story of romanticism from a medieval knight who picked these lovely wildflowers for his love and without knowing its name called it forget-me-not flowers when presenting it to his lady love.